In News

With this entry into our Springdale Hazy IPA series, we had the pleasure of working with local musician Aldous Collins, who’s song “Do What You Love” is featured on our Springdale 2021 Playlist. In the spirit of Collins’s words, we decided to “Do What We Love” and collaborate with him on this hazy India Pale Ale brewed with Vic Secret and Motueka hops.

Aldous Collins is a high energy musician who creates positive music for your soul.  Born in New Hampshire and residing on the South Shore, Aldous brings a unique island feel for a Massachusetts musician and this is what inspired us to collaborate on this beer for our Hazy IPA Music Series.

The Spiritual Gangster tour was an initiative he created in 2020 to use his talents to host digital concerts and raise money for people in need.  Aldous and his music represent our Springdale mission to Pursue Life.

As we started on the artwork that would represent this collaboration, Collins’s music brought energetic, positive energies that took us to a world not unlike a Peter Max painting come to life. The vividness of Collins’ music evoked bright, colorful images and soft, flowing shapes – an abstraction of this world we live in. His music is unrushed, and we wanted this label to bring that same sweet tranquility. 

Play this song, enjoy this beer, and drift through this vibrant world. What’s not to love?