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To enter to win one of three rare autographed Jeff Rosenstock LPs, click here to visit our Shopify.


I learned to disown my ska-punk past when I got to college and got exposed to “cool” music. It just felt like trivial kid stuff in the face of so much other awesome music I’d never heard. 

Many of my new friends were from New York and had similarly checkered pasts – but instead of growing up with Big D and the Kids Table and Kicked in the Head they were busy moving past The Arrogant Sons of Bitches and Bomb the Music Industry. And that’s how I first crossed paths with the manic, in your face music of Mr. Jeff Rosenstock.

Now, ska never went anywhere, as those that are more secure in their taste have held fast for many years. You can read all about how there’s no fourth wave, just one long rolling third wave of ska (and you should!) But ska is really one flavor in the music that Jeff makes, which is really held together by his indomitable personality and creative energy. Like many others, I rediscovered Jeff with his 2016 album WORRY and have dug heavily into his back catalog since. 

When NO DREAM came out last year we had the idea to reach out and see if he’d like to make a beer with us. What else were we all doing, anyway?! Jeff was super enthusiastic and we got to work together to create “Tell Yourself it’s Fine,” as good a motto for our world as any. Since then Jeff has re-recorded the entire album as SKA DREAM and yeah, you need to listen to that, too. It rules. 

My friend Matt Oz and I got to interview Jeff on our podcast Our Beer Could Be Your Life where you can hear more about how SKA DREAM came to be, his craft beer history and, of course, pizza. But we also talk about Jeff’s relationship with capitalism, and how he believes art should be accessible to everyone. Jeff decided to donate a portion of proceeds from this beer to the Greater Boston Food Bank

Why the Greater Boston Food Bank? Jeff explains: 

“Food banks are great and necessary resources in this dumb ass capitalism system where we accept that some people will go hungry while some people collect hundreds of billions of dollars – and then our government bails them out with our money when they fail.” That’s why.

As a kicker, we’re throwing a raffle to raise even more $$ for the Greater Boston Food Bank. Jeff is giving away three rare autographed LPs to three lucky winners – signed & personalized for all three winners:

Thanks, Sorry!

Jeff Rosenstock / Laura Stevenson Split 

No Dream – band variant 

Wanna chance to win? All you have to do is donate to the Greater Boston Food Bank. 

$10 = 10 raffle tickets. The more you donate, the more raffle tickets you’ll have, and a greater chance you’ll have of being picked! 100% of the proceeds from this raffle will go to the Greater Boston Food Bank.

First picked gets the first choice of LPs, second picked gets second choice. A person can only be picked once. 

Raffle will end on Wednesday, June 30th at 5pm EST. Winners will be picked at random and notified after this time. GOOD LUCK!!!


— Joe Connolly, Director of Springdale Beer Co.